quarta-feira, julho 29, 2009

Não acredito em almas gémeas...

“Não acredito em almas gémeas…” - disse ele com convicção.
“Pois, eu também não.” – mentiu ela .
E ficaram assim, a olhar o sol a esconder-se no horizonte, iluminando timidamente apenas as duas montanhas mais longínquas que esbarravam no céu.
“Todos temos defeitos, as relações não são perfeitas, porque as pessoas não são perfeitas, temos de nos adaptar, porque não existem almas gémeas, porque há sempre problemas, porque temos de saber ceder… É por isso que não existem almas gémeas.”- continuou ele convictamente.
“Concordo, não há relações perfeitas.” – disse ela.
“Eu não acredito em almas gémeas, por tudo isso. Porque sei. Porque vivi. Porque é mesmo assim.”- repetiu ele.
“Claro, também acho que não, que não existem e se existissem eu saberia, eu sentiria que tinha de esperar por ela, sentiria sem sombras para dúvidas que a minha alma gémea estaria algures à minha espera. E, então, eu esperaria tranquilamente. E sentiria que a iria encontrar, sentiria isso, bem dentro de mim.” – disse ela, desta vez sem dar tempo a alguma observação dele.
“Pois, mas não sentes nada disso, pois não?” – perguntou ele, prendendo o olhar no olhar dela.
“Pois não?” – insistiu.
“Pois. Eu não acredito em almas gémeas, tal como tu.” – fugiu ela à pergunta. E suspirou. E o sol escondeu-se, finalmente, naquele fim de tarde de Agosto, deixando o céu incendiado de vermelho e laranja como um lençol de cetim, aberto sobre a cama...

"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)

5 comentários:

Marianinha disse...

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact f two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

I believe if there's any reaction, any chemistry between the two personalities, then, they're more that soulmates, they're lovers :)

huge kiss *
miss u *

Anónimo disse...

it's funny that you can make a distinction between lovers and soulmates... I wish they could be both :)

miss you 2...

Trickster Soul disse...

"(...) they're more than soulmates, they're lovers" Let's say that soulmates exists. Aren't soulmates a "for the whole eternety" kind of thing? Something that goes behind this life? What "lovers" in did stands for? A passionate relation? Something sexual? A true commitment between two lifes? A full mind sync? (Be carefull with our tricky mind). A cocktail of all that? I still believe that if there is that thing called soulmate has to be the greatest thing of all, but then again, that would be a fantasy that we'd be living in our minds. The tricky one.

Anónimo disse...

Dear Trickster Soul

(funny and tricky name you've got!)

Soulmate is indeed something unique, something that very few are able to find in a life time. That's why it is something that everybody longs for...Something that some consider a fantasy because it is so difficult to find... However, because it is rare and unique it doesn't mean that it only exists in our mind!
But this is only me speaking, and of course, I am a dreamer and a naive kind of girl!


Trickster Soul disse...

Believing in soulmates implies believing in reincarnation. A soulmate has to be someone that you have encountered in many different life times and loved as many times as well. A strong awareness about the "energy" of the other person would has to be required for that awareness. A chemestry some would say. Unfortunately our oblivion about the spiritual world and a material focus would not permit that in most of the cases. That's my understanding.
Altough I'm a strong believer about the reincarnation I can hardly believe that there is such a thing as a soulmate. That would mean that those two persons were made for each other for all eternity. That also implies that the personal evolution of each of those consciences are very similar, otherwise they will start moving apart.
What are the odds?
But don't get me wrong. I love soulmate's believers. It's so romantic! ;)