(Ao ver o filme, deu-me uma enorme vontade de me meter num avião e ir jantar a Paris para rever os bateaux mouche à la Seine e caminhar pelas avenidas cheias de luz...)
"If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast. "
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway (uma passagem do filme Midnight in Paris):
"All men fear death. It's a natural fear that consumes us all. We fear death because we feel that we haven't loved well enough or loved at all, which ultimately are one and the same. However, when you make love with a truly great woman, one that deserves the utmost respect in this world and one that makes you feel truly powerful, that fear of death completely disappears. Because when you are sharing your body and heart with a great woman the world fades away. You two are the only ones in the entire universe. You conquer what most lesser men have never conquered before, you have conquered a great woman's heart, the most vulnerable thing she can offer to another. Death no longer lingers in the mind. Fear no longer clouds your heart. Only passion for living, and for loving, become your sole reality. This is no easy task for it takes insurmountable courage. But remember this, for that moment when you are making love with a woman of true greatness you will feel immortal."
Não sei se estas palavras são de Hemingway ou da cabeça de Woody Allen que as coloca na boca do escritor, porém, Hemingway viveu o amor e a paixão tão intensamente que mesmo que não o tenha dito, deve tê-lo sentido em todas estas formas.
Ah, Paris et l'amour... Tenho de ir a Paris para me apaixonar... Quem sabe não reencontro o Hemingway a caminho de um bar dos anos 20 e dançamos juntos um charlston!
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